
What is Group B Strep?

A Group B strep infection is common and harmless – if diagnosed and treated in a timely manner.

Pregnant women should be aware that between 20% – 40% of mothers carry this bacterial infection and can pass it to their baby during their birth.

It is a symptomless bacteria, however, can cause significant harm if it is not diagnosed and treated quickly.

Early signs of a Group B strep infection

Babies who have been infected during their delivery may display obvious signs of a Group B streptococcus infection.

The baby may make grunting noises, may be unusually floppy, or have an unusual skin colour which can appear as being blotchy to name a few of the signs.

More subtle symptoms can include unusual heart rate, blood pressure and blood sugars.

What happens when Group B strep is not treated in time?

It is critical that the medical professionals involved in the care of mother and baby are alert to the risks of undiagnosed Group B strep infections.

Failing to act in a timely manner when a baby is affected by GBS bacteria, can lead to catastrophic complications including meningitis, pneumonia, and sepsis.

Delays in providing timely, and appropriate, treatment for a Group B infection can result in permanent brain damage, or the death of a baby.

The long-term impact of Group B strep infection

It is devastating to realise that a common, and treatable GBS bacteria infection can result in permanent and irreversible consequences.

For some families, this will mean the loss of their child as a result of Group B streptococcus complications such as meningitis, pneumonia or sepsis.

For some parents, an untreated GBS infection will lead to catastrophic brain damage resulting in lifelong disabilities such as cerebral palsy.

The significant preventable outcomes of a missed or wrong diagnosis of a strep infection, or delayed treatment, are catastrophic.

Families are left grieving and dealing with the permanent consequences.

What to do if medical negligence is suspected following a Group B strep infection

Coming to terms with the catastrophic outcome of a serious injury caused by a perfectly treatable GBS infection will take time.

When a child has suffered irreversible brain damage resulting in lifelong disabilities, including cerebral palsy, steps should be taken to ensure that they can be provided with the quality of consistent care needed for the rest of their lives.

It is daunting for families in these circumstances when the mental, emotional and physical impact on the whole family takes its toll.

Caring for a child with complex mental and physical disabilities is not easy. Families who suspect it could have been avoided with adequate medical care should seek specialist legal representation.

Instructing lawyers following a GBS infection

Contacting the hospital responsible for the delivery of a baby when events have taken a very wrong turn should be the first step for parents.

When suspicions surround the circumstances leading to a child’s serious injury due to Group B strep, answers should be sought from the medical professionals involved in the delivery of the baby.

Parents are often left with more questions than answers – despite national guidelines stating that medical professionals have a duty to provide transparency – and an apology – when they fail to provide safe treatment.

The complex care needs of a child affected by a GBS infection leading to permanent brain damage, and other permanent disabilities, will remain for the rest of their lives.

When medical negligence has caused a catastrophic injury as a result of a Group B strep infection that was not diagnosed, nor treated in a timely manner, the child is entitled to compensation.

Given the severity of the disabilities and the comprehensive care required, Group B strep compensation claims are worth several millions.

When should legal action start following a GBS infection?

It is recommended that the right legal representative is instructed as soon as parents suspect medical negligence could have caused catastrophic outcomes following a treatable Group B strep infection.

A child with complex needs requires a comprehensive, and ongoing, schedule of care. The legal process is complex and, in these circumstances, can take several years.

Although in some cases it takes some years before a full diagnosis and understanding of a child’s lifelong care needs become apparent, starting the legal process as soon as possible is advisable.

A specialist medical solicitor will secure interim payments to ensure a child’s short and medium term needs are met in the meantime.

Having the right specialist medical solicitor fighting for your family

It is essential for families caring for a child with complex needs to instruct the right solicitor when they embark on their legal journey.

Group B strep claims leading to a child suffering significant brain damage are worth several millions and are therefore robustly defended by the hospital believed to be responsible for the injury.

Solicitors representing families in Group B strep compensation claims will spend a lot of time getting to know the family and their child.

Instructing the right specialist medical solicitor for your family is essential as they will not only provide legal expertise, but will also guide and support you each step of the journey.

Group B strep infection – the legal process for compensation

A medical solicitor experienced in complex Group B strep claims will conduct a thorough investigation of what happened.

Medical records will be scrutinised, and questions asked where clear answers and facts are needed.

A specialist negligence solicitor experienced in Group B strep claims will keep families updated throughout.

The legal teams representing the NHS Trusts involved will often defend claims. The burden of proof that medical errors occurred, and could and should have been avoided, falls on the family to prove.

Instructing a solicitor with a proven track record of securing positive outcomes for Group B strep infection claims is essential.

It is strongly advised that families do not rely on a personal injury lawyer or a medical negligence lawyer with little experience in winning these complicated cases.

The extent of a child’s lifelong needs following Group B strep complications

The extent of a brain damaged child’s lifelong care needs are carefully considering during the legal process.

It may take until they are around the age of four or five before the full implications of their injury are realised.

A critical part of the Group B strep infection compensation process is correctly assessing the cost of a child’s lifelong care needs.

Interim payments for Group B strep injuries

We understand that the legal process is a long one for families who need immediate compensation as their child grows.

Significant interim payments can be secured so that a child’s care needs can be met while the claim progresses.

Complex care needs as a result of Group B strep infection

Permanent brain damage as a result of a GBS infection which was not treated adequately, or on time, can cause severe disabilities such as cerebral palsy.

The care needs of the child will be significant, and unrelenting. A range of regular therapies, specialist equipment, carers and adapted accommodation are all considered and costed during the compensation process.

A specialist Group B strep legal team will be well versed in how a child with these difficulties will develop and the cost of providing the right level of care for the rest of their life.

What happens to Group B strep compensation after a case is settled?

Compensation secured for a child who has suffered irreversible, and extensive injuries as a result of preventable complications following a GBS infection, will be a substantial several million pound settlement.

Once the amount has been approved by the High Court, in circumstances where the child has lost mental capacity, the Court of Protection will appoint a professional deputy to help manage the money over the child’s lifetime. This is often the specialist solicitor who has conducted the claim.

This safeguards the carefully calculated compensation and removes some of the pressure from parents.

Listening to other families’ experience of Group B strep

Realising that a child has suffered an irreversible birth injury, and what this means day-to-day, and for the rest of their lives, is daunting and can feel very lonely.

Families who find themselves in these difficult and upsetting circumstances following a GBS infection can feel isolated.

There are families who have experienced the same traumatic situation leaving their child severely disabled as a result.

Listening to their stories and connecting with parents who understand the impact of a serious birth injury can help to alleviate feelings of overwhelm.

Who we are at Diane Rostron – GBS infection specialists

Diane Rostron is a complex birth injury specialist with in excess of 25 years’ experience of securing substantial compensation for children seriously injured due to a GBS infection.

Working with a leading team of independent medical experts and barristers, the team leave no stone unturned to identify what happened to prove that medical negligence caused the injuries.

Proof of inadequate medical care is required in order to secure the compensation needed to meet a child’s lifelong complex needs.

Given the high value of these claims, the solicitors representing the hospitals believed to be at fault will defend any claim robustly.

Why choose us for your GBS infection claim

Birth injury claims are complex, and it can be difficult to prove that medical errors caused a serious injury. It is critical to instruct specialist solicitors with a proven history of winning these hard-fought claims.

Birth injury claims, including those involving inadequately treated Group B Strep cases, are pursued on a no win no fee basis.

The team at Diane Rostron fearlessly pursue claims to secure the much-needed compensation when a child has been seriously hurt, and have won in instances when one, and even two, previous law firms have failed to deliver a positive outcome.

In safe hands with professionals you can trust

The team at Diane Rostron understand the trauma and day-to-day difficulties faced by parents caring for a child following an avoidable injury before, during or just after their birth.

We support families every step of the way explaining what is happening at each stage. We understand that after being seriously let down by medical professionals, our clients need to know that they are in safe hands when taking the legal route to find the answers they deserve.

Our team can’t change what happened, but we can help make the future easier and will do our best to ensure that an injured child is provided with the care they need for the rest of their life.

Contact us today to start your GBS infection compensation claim

If you have any suspicions that your child may not be meeting key milestones, or is showing symptoms of a serious birth injury that could be linked to a Group B Strep infection that was not treated on time, or at all, we can help.

Our empathetic team of experts are here to find the answers, and secure the justice, that your family is entitled to.


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